
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


Effective E-Newsletter Writing Keeps Readers Coming Back for More

E-newsletters are becoming an increasingly popular method of marketing for companies in most industries, and for good reason. E-newsletters are one of the most cost-effective ways to reach potential customers and strengthen relationships with current ones. But how do you keep readers from becoming bored with your publication and clicking the opt-out button?

For starters, it’s critical to immediately capture the reader’s attention, so you’ll need to WIFM right away. A good WIFM (what’s in it for me) statement will make the benefits of reading the newsletter clear up front and it will also entice the audience to read the newsletter all the way to the end. And begin with the subject line of the newsletter. An interesting subject line sets the tone and can serve as a teaser for the great information just waiting for the reader inside; so instead of October Newsletter or 3rd Quarter Newsletter, give a sneak preview as to what is so special about the current month’s message.

In delivering your message, use a friendly, conversational tone in short sentences. It generally takes more time to read on a computer screen than it does to read on paper, so make good use of the white space. Separate information into small reading portions that can be easily scanned by the reader. Too much information in long paragraphs tends to make the reader lose interest. Bullet points are another effective way of conveying information.

While the ultimate goal of your newsletter may be increased sales, your e-newsletter is also a vehicle for you to set your company apart from the competition by establishing your staff as the experts in your field. Be sure to provide relevant, useful information that will make clients want to read the newsletter month after month.

Give a call to action in your e-newsletter, such as links to products and services that your company offers. Also try to engage the reader through special offers, contests, blogs, or just a simple invitation to e-mail your company with questions, suggestions, or comments.

Offer hyperlinks to make the details of any point available to those who would like more information, but try to include these at the end of the newsletter so that readers won’t hyperlink away from your main message; they usually won’t return.

At the close of your e-newsletter, provide a teaser about the content of your next issue. A simple benefit-oriented statement, much like a good subject line, will help make the reader anticipate what’s to come, and it will also help you in building a devoted following.

Finally, be sure to proofread the e-newsletter several times and have others within your organization proofread it as well. It’s always a good idea to send test e-newsletters to several people before sending it to the whole e-mail list to make sure that links are working properly and that there hasn’t been anything overlooked during the proofreading process.

Effective writing is crucial in obtaining your company’s communication goals. Incorporating these valuable tips into your e-newsletter will go long way in maximizing the results.

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