
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


Streamlining the Newsletter Production Process

If you’re looking for ways to make your newsletter production more efficient, review each stage of the process to find ways to accomplish this goal without compromising the quality or effectiveness of the publication. Here are a few things to consider:

Reducing Rewrites

• Get all of your facts the first time and avoid having to return to the Internet or interviewees to flesh out incomplete references, data, or sources.
• Use an economy of words. Tight copy saves space and promotes greater readership.
• Create a company style sheet to reduce inconsistencies and editing and proofreading time.
• Proofread carefully. Making corrections after the copy goes to the design stage or printer is expensive.
• Compile a list of common errors to use when proofreading. Use the Proofreading Checklist in the Newsletter Factory Toolbox as a guide.
• Copy changes can cause the layout to change significantly. Have writers sign off on the final copy before it goes to design to reduce unbridled changes once the newsletter layout is in progress.

Budget-Conscious Photography

• Invest in a quality digital camera and take photos yourself. Hire a professional photographer only when necessary.
• Buy royalty free stock photography on Web sites such as istockphoto.com and shutterstock.com.
• If you produce several publications, get more mileage out of your photos by reusing them.

Printing Practicalities

• Don’t cut back on a prepress proof from the printer, it’s an important element in the proofing process because you might miss a typo or other mistake if you eliminate this step. Also use the Printers Checklist in The Newsletter Factory Toolbox.
• Print two sides, if possible.
• Don’t overprint. Plan to keep only a few back issues for your files.
• For even more information on printing, see How to Pull off Your Print Job without a Hitch on The Newsletter Factory website.

Controlling Distribution Costs

Evaluate the distribution method you use to make sure it’s the most cost-effective and suitable procedure. See Does Your Means of Newsletter Distribution Fit Your Newsletter’s Purpose?.

Make sure your distribution list is free of bad addresses.

• Use self-mailers if they are practical for your publication.
• Mail bulk rate instead of first class, if possible.
• Print the mailing permit directly on your newsletter to avoid additional costs at the mail house.

Getting into the habit of cutting corners without cutting quality is easy with a little know-how. And ensuring your newsletter is produced efficiently adds to its credentials as a worthwhile investment for your company.

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