
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


More Tips to Increase Your "Pass-Through" Rate

Even after you've thoroughly compiled a mailing list, your newsletter must reach its intended recipients to generate the response you're seeking. Remember, new readers will not be as familiar with your company or publication as are current subscribers or clients.

To increase the "pass-through" rate, the likelihood that your newsletter will end up in the hands of its intended reader(s) and not in the trashcan, try:

Three-hole punching your newsletter. This feature creates the impression that the newsletter is worth saving — increasing the chance that your newsletter will get to its intended reader.

Jotting a quick note on the envelope or mailing panel. A "hope you enjoy" note is a personal effort that can mean the difference between the in-box and the waste-basket.

Including a "route-to" box on the mailing panel or envelope. List all the departments you'd like to receive your newsletter, with small check-off boxes next to each listing.

Including a personalized cover letter for first-time readers. Such letters provide another opportunity to introduce yourself, your company, and your product or service to your new reader.

Get more newsletter tips and ideas at www.newsletterfactory.com.

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