
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


What Do You Want Your Newsletter to Accomplish

Promotional Newsletters
This type of newsletter is frequently used by businesses to promote a product or service. It is also known as a marketing newsletter. A promotional or marketing newsletter is typically sent to current or prospective customers free of charge. Although not a sales pitch, the promotional newsletter does striveto turn prospects into customers and customers into repeat customers.

Relationship Newsletters
Examples of this type of newsletter are customer newsletters, club newsletters, employee newsletters, Church newsletters, and alumni newsletters. They focus on the shared interests of the target audience. Typically distributed at no charge, some organizations may send newsletters only to paid members.

Expert Newsletters
Usually subscription-based, these newsletters generally focus on a specific topic and the recipient is someone who has specifically requested the information in the newsletter and is willing to pay for the information.

Some newsletters may have characteristics of more than one group.

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