
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


Keep Your Paragraphs Short and Don’t Overstate Your Point

If you break up a single paragraph, say, 11 lines long into approximately three separate paragraphs, the chunk of text won’t look so impassable when the reader gives it his or her first quick glance (and it will be quick, so don’t scare them away by making it look like they need the mental readiness for “War and Peace”).

While you want your paragraphs short and sweet, they also most flow nicely into one another. If you express a simple idea in one paragraph, as well as one thought per sentence, there is no need to find alternate ways to say the same thing. A common practice is to make a point then restate it in someone else’s words. In a newsletter, space is tight, your writing should be, too.

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