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Maximize Your Sales Efforts Through the 3 Steps of Relationship Selling

While sales are the lifeline of any business, the best sales approach during any economy does not involve a complex or abstract theory, but is based on the concept of simply doing right by your customers and proving that you are their ally in solving their problems. Relationship selling is the means of developing this bond and is built on a three-step process of knowing you, liking you and then trusting you.

“People don’t buy from companies, they buy from people — people they trust,” said Ken Hilderhoff, president of Premier Marketing Resources. “Relationship selling begins with the first contact. Potential clients first have to know you, then they have to like you. Only if you accomplish the first two steps will you have the opportunity to gain their trust.”

Potential clients make the decision of wanting to get to know you pretty quickly – in about 10 seconds. Just think of your last cold call — the response you received after your introduction line probably gave you the indication of whether or not that person wanted to hear more about your product or service.

Part of the getting to know and like you process involves demonstrating your trustworthy character and letting your clients know that they mean more to you than just the sale at hand. By really listening to their needs and offering products or services tailored to those needs, you’ll build their confidence in you as a caring and trusted resource for solving their problems.

A solution-oriented approach to selling, relationship selling adds to your overall value proposition. And the value you bring to the relationship will ultimately make the difference in your future with the client.

Pave the Road to Future Sales with Your Reputation and Reliability

Relationship selling is a long-term investment in your company’s future. While you may not always make a sale right away, the nurturing that you do now will make for an easier sale down the road, and also repeat business and referrals. Relationship selling is a two-way association in which your reputation will be working for you nonstop.

Once the prospect has become a client, follow up after each sale to make sure the client is happy with the product or service. Not only will it help you solve problems in their early stage, it will also provide an opportunity to determine any additional needs they may have.

Maintaining the relationship in between sales is critical, and each contact should not involve a sales attempt. Foster goodwill through regular contact by providing clients with tickets to sporting events or concerts, or simply take them out to lunch occasionally.

Although your company may be not be the least expensive option in your area of expertise, offering a product or service based on the principles of relationship selling will make you the best value. 

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