
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


Your Message, Delivered Your Way

That level of control is rarely possible if you use press releases or interviews to deal with the traditional media. In addition, because newsletters are perceived as having news value, they have the ability to bypass gatekeepers such as secretaries and assistants who screen out "junk mail." A regular publication builds awareness of your company or brand. Individuals may miss advertisements or interviews, but they'll look forward to the latest issue of your newsletter.

Newsletters enable your business to grow successfully:

Externals Newsletters
Increase name recognition
Enhance an organization’s image
Promote customer’s loyalty
Create opportunities for expansion
Generate continual feedback from customers

Internal newsletters
Promote teamwork
Increase productivity
Support training initiatives
Involve employees in organizational activities
Pave the way for new policies

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