
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


Customer Loyalty Building Is Powerful and Informative Newsletters Can Be the Most Powerful Tool In Your Sales Toolbox

"A good newsletter keeps you in front of your customers, adds value to your services, establishes your expertise and credibility, and saves you valuable selling time," says Elaine Floyd, author, speaker and newsletter expert extraordinaire.

• Do you have good customers you'd like to stay in touch with without interrupting them with phone calls or visits?

• Is your product or service line changing quickly?

• Do some of your best customers not know about your latest product offerings and how each one benefits them? Or have you heard your customers say, "I didn't know you did that?"

• Do your customers like hearing stories of businesses similar to theirs and how they've been successful?

• Can you share information that saves your customer's time and money, helps them get more business or prepares them for the future?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you needed a newsletter yesterday.

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