
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


E-newsletters Provide an Easy, Inexpensive Way to Strengthen Relationships With Key Constituencies

Electronic newsletters have become extremely popular with successful businesses and nonprofit groups because they make communicating with their audiences faster and less expensive than ever before.

By eliminating the cost of printing and postage, electronic newsletters removed two of the major obstacles that historically prevented organizations from incorporating newsletters into their communication programs. But these savings alone didn’t prompt a sudden boom in the use of e-newsletters. Many communication experts initially warned would-be publishers that recipients might perceive e-newsletters as spam. Such a perception, they added, might actually damage an organization’s credibility.

The newsletters that attract and retain the most loyal audiences share several characteristics.

Timeliness Newsletters have always enjoyed a unique status as a communication vehicle because people perceive them as news – something they should “read now.” E-newsletter enthusiasts want even more. They demand relevant information delivered at just the right moment. So today’s most successful e-newsletters provide up-to-the-minute information on highly targeted topics. For example, a number of companies use e-newsletters to distribute information on new products to members of their sales forces. Many retailers and wholesale distributors have also begun using e-newsletters to inform clients about their product lines or special promotions.

Brevity E-newsletter enthusiasts don’t have a lot of patience for long stories or documents. An e-newsletter should contain only a few screens of information, with links or other response mechanisms that direct readers to more details. E-newsletter publishers should keep copy as succinct as possible. Presently, a headline, summary, and link a long version of the story will satisfy the appetite of most e-newsletter recipients.

Customized Content Most successful newsletters tailor their content as much as possible for each individual. Experts recommend identifying readership categories and modifying each issue slightly to address the interests of a particular segment of the audience. The needs of readers should also influence the type of technology used in publishing e-newsletters. If the majority of readers plan to print out the publication to read it, they may prefer a PDF document. If readers demand a combination of screen graphics and hyperlinks, HTML offers a better alternative. Publishers should also produce text-only versions for recipients with slower modems or mail systems that won’t allow HTML. After all, if your publication takes too long to download, recipients may get frustrated and delete it altogether.

Trackability Successful e-newsletter publishers use analytical tools to track readership and response to their publications. These applications provide valuable information on how often an e-newsletter gets opened, who opens the publication, and which stories generate the greatest interest. Collecting this type of information makes it easier for publishers to strengthen content and further customize publications to the needs of their readers.

Freedom of Choice Most e-newsletter publishers use the opt-in/opt-out model of distribution. In other words, readers agree to accept the newsletter and can discontinue their “subscription” at any time. People who receive e-newsletters without opting in tend to perceive the publication as an infringement on their personal cyberspace. In that case, they may hit the spam button to delete the publication. If enough people indicate you for sending spam, many e-mail services will stop delivering your publication altogether. Publishers should immediately remove those who opt from their distribution lists for the same reason.

Keeping these characteristics in mind will make it much easier for an organization to create e-newsletters that strengthen its relationship with key audiences. Look for additional tips on creating effective e-newsletters in future issues of The Newsletter Factory’s newsletter, Newsletter Know How.

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