
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


Use Standing Columns for a Consistent Look

Standing columns repeat each issue, cover a single topic, and are placed in the same position (page, placement on page, etc.) By using standing columns, you’ll have an idea what articles you or your staff or volunteers will need to research and write for each issue. Some examples of standing columns include:

• Table of contents
• News briefs
• Letters to the editor
• Announcements (new hires, promotions, departures, retirements)
• Calendar highlighting upcoming events
• Editorials
• President’s column
• Regular columnists

Keep in mind that the more standing columns you choose, the less layout flexibility you’ll have with each issue. However, you may find this actually speeds the design stage of production as standing columns provide useful format guides.

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