
Tips and ideas to help you craft your newsletter, get your reader's attention and accomplish your company's communication goals.


Five Guidelines for Using Photos Effectively

Make your photographs large. The bigger they are, the more effectively they’ll serve the purpose for which they were included.

“Hand scan” your photos. Minimize differences in intensity by hand scanning your images so that you can correct lighting etc.

Bad photo are worse that no photos. No matter how sparkling your copy or how stunning your layout, bad photos will make your newsletter look “low class”.

Emphasize action. A photo of someone doing something has greater impact than “head shots” of staff members, snapshots of empty work areas, or portraits of building exteriors.

Acquire “free”. professional photos whenever possible If you obtain any information fro your publication from a Public Relation Department, ask them if they can provide photos pertaining to your subject matter. Many have extensive photo libraries and will gladly loan out pictures to get added exposure

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